In Medias
Potential Effects of Moderate Alcohol Consumption
"Consuming that 'one last drink' each day could have more impact than any of the previous drinks that day."News outlets
One Drink May Shrink Brain (Video), Saturday Night Live (SNL), NBC
Cutting back on final drink of day ‘could improve brain health’ , The Guardian
Is That Drink Worth It to You? , The New Yotk Times
'Light-to-moderate' drinking may carry risks to the brain, new study says , The Hill
Just one drink can shrink your brain, study says , CNN
What Happens to Your Brain If You Drink Too Much? , Newsweek
Warning to middle-aged drinkers that just one glass of wine or pint a night can age your brain by TWO YEARS, study claims , The Daily Mail
Just one glass of alcohol daily shrinks your brain like two years of ageing, study warns , The Daily Express
Study Is Raising Some Red Flags About Light Drinking (Video), CBS News
Mehr Alkohol, weniger Hirn (German), Bild Der Wissenschaft
Studie deutet an: Schon mäßiger Alkoholkonsum lässt das Gehirn schrumpfen (German), Focus
What Alcohol Does to Your Body, Brain & Health. (Lead segment, 2.5M views), Huberman Lab (Stanford)Alcohol And The Brain. Dementia Matters(UW-Madison)
Consumer Genetics
Should your DNA data be used to sell products? , RetailWire"Genetic Predisposition" — The Next Facebook Targeting Option? (Podcast), Today in Digital Marketing